He is the japanese Legend " Onitsuka Tiger " , Beating The Fact Is That and Wrestling shoe of the onitsuka tiger shoes the last in our country the most years trend shoe model , benimde fondly kullandm onitsuka tiger s comfort and quality of the trend because of the can prefer the shoes i think it should be .

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Wearing Brand line safada şemalin formal a more the importance that in the world a lot of blocking our country is no longer alışverişmerkezlerin into the interpretation of the permissible with coşması " shopping kavramıda " is now a life style to become we'LL yerirdr namely special days are now is not the shopping day nese şemal shape when giyerim cool şeklimi yaprım yakışıklıyım fruitful if no karizma is there attractive , is of the opinion the super shoe onitsuka tiger to be !!!
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